Award Process

The briefing sessions are closed. Organisations who have missed the briefing sessions may download the briefing slides to learn more about the TAA.
For more information about past awards including the previous winners, best practices and company stories, please refer to the Past Awards section.
The TAA is open to all Singapore-based organisations except TAL and its tripartite partners (MOM, NTUC and SNEF).
Participating organisations must have:
- Adopted the required Tripartite Standards and those relevant to the award category that they are applying for to demonstrate commitment to building a better work environment for employees:
- Completed the Fair & Progressive Employment Index (FPE Index), an organisational culture self-assessment survey tool which will provide the organisation with national and industry-level benchmarks.
The FPE Index should be completed by a suitable representative from Human Resources or someone who is familiar with the organisation’s policies and programmes. The FPE Index must be completed in 2024, i.e. if you have completed the FPE Index before 1 January 2024, you are required to take the FPE Index for updated results and submit this with your application.
(Note: Administering the employee climate survey within the FPE Index is not required for TAA, as organisations shortlisted for site visits will be required to complete an employee opinion survey specific to the award category(ies) they have applied for.)
In addition, participating organisations must ensure that they abide by the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices (TGFEP) as the TAA recognises exemplary organisations that have effectively implemented fair, responsible and progressive employment practices.
To adopt the Tripartite Standards, please click here.
To complete the FPE Index, please click here.Disqualification
As the award recognises exemplary organisations, an application may be disqualified under any of the following circumstances:
- The participating organisation does not meet the eligibility criteria.
- The participating organisation has legal infringements and/or outstanding cases related to manpower or employment issues.
- The application contains inaccurate, false or misleading information and supporting documents.
- Adopted the required Tripartite Standards and those relevant to the award category that they are applying for to demonstrate commitment to building a better work environment for employees:
Please note that applications close on Friday, 15 November 2024 with no exceptions.
Participating organisations are required to complete and submit the following to TAFEP via email at award@tafep.sg:
Judging Criteria
There are 4 categories in the TAA
In every category, organisations are encouraged to demonstrate their management strategy and how the organisation's leadership is committed to the particular strategy. It is also important for organisations to show how well they have implemented their end-to-end strategies.
Organisations should demonstrate how they value their workforce and also facilitate the progress of their workforce through their practices in these key areas namely:
- Business case for implementing the strategies and practices of respective award categories
- Management commitment demonstrated toward enabling the success of implementation
- Range and extent of the various policies, programmes and communications to facilitate consistent implementation and sustainability
- Effectiveness of the strategies and programmes
- Commitment to continuous improvement
The specific criteria for each award category will vary. To know more about the different TAA categories, please refer to the Award Categories section.
Award Assessment
Organisations will be shortlisted for site visits based on the strengths of their applications.
Employers who qualify for the site visit are required to complete the following prior to the site visit:
- A questionnaire on human capital practices, to be completed by the Business and/or the Human Resource Leader.
- An online employee opinion survey (EOS), unless the organisation opts for on-site administration.
During the site visits, an EOS (applicable only if administered on-site), senior management interviews, and employee focus group discussions will be conducted. Nominees who have been shortlisted for the individual awards will also be interviewed during the same site visit.
Those who requested an on-site EOS must ensure that pre-selected employees are present during the site visit to participate in the survey. Otherwise, organisations are required to look for a replacement(s) with a similar demographic profile to complete the survey to ensure that the responses are representative.
Additionally, to demonstrate the organisation's commitment towards fair employment practices, shortlisted organisations are required to complete a document review.
For more information on the site visits, please refer to the FAQs on Site Visits.
Judging Panel
The independent judging panel comprises representatives from the tripartite partner agencies, academics and industry experts.
Winners of the TAA 2025 will be unveiled at an Awards Ceremony in November 2025.